Dubai Taxi Corporation (DTC) is offering to its Employees (Drivers and Staff) a self-service application to self-inquire internal HR services, making the overall process more convenient and swift and provide high quality services.
This application was specially designed and developed to provide the following types of services:
- Request leave
- Request certificates (salary, Hajj/Omrah, lost item, …)
- Generate reports
- Receive internal communication
- Aman initiative
- Report and accident or an emergency
- Get informed via real-time notifications
- Check attendance
- Track the status of submitted request
- View, download or email documents
- And many more…
This mobile application is intended for internal use only.
Further, in this app, employees are also able to view and edit their profile.
- 要求离开
- 申请证书(工资,朝觐/ Omrah,丢失物品,...)
- 生成报告
- 接收内部沟通
- 祖阿曼举措
- 报告和事故或紧急情况
- 通过实时通知获取通知
- 考勤
- 跟踪提交请求的状态
- 查看,下载或电子邮件文件
- 还有很多…